Diets Don’t Work
I help women end the diet cycle and tap into their intuition so they can build trust with their bodies and have freedom with food.
I’ve been where you are…
One day I'm perfectly fine eating "healthy", getting my exercise in, and then all of a sudden, I'm binging on a bag of peanut butter M&M's out of nowhere. I look down and realize I’ve emptied the entire bag.
I'm always on a diet or restrictive eating plan (paleo, keto, noom...etc.), yet never able to stick with it for the long run.
I'm always thinking about what I should or shouldn't eat.
I’m often obsessed about how my body looks.
I have thoughts of hate towards my body.
I believe that once I'm thin and weigh X amount, I will be happy and feel good enough.
I’ve experienced all of these thoughts and feelings, and I want you to know you’re not alone.
Dieting is any attempt to restrict or limit food intake for the purpose of weight-loss or weight control.
And, let’s face it, diets don’t work!
95% of dieters that lose some weight, gain it back within three years!
Let's just agree there has to be a better way to maintain your health and vitality, while learning to trust yourself in the process.
This is where Diets Don’t Work comes in.

Introducing: Diets Don’t Work
Diets and food plans don't address the underlying causes for why you’re feeling obsessed about yourself and your body.
Binging and restricting doesn’t provide the emotional stability and peace that you’re truly looking for.
Getting out of the binge/restrict cycle offers you freedom that life can be about more than just focusing on how much you have or haven’t eaten.
Imagine yourself at a party, dressed to the nines and feeling fine, feeling no shame or guilt about grabbing a second helping of that delicious appetizer…
Not thinking twice about what someone else will think of you or feeling self conscious in the clothes you chose to wear.
Not obsessing about calories.
Not telling yourself you’ll have to fast the next day to make up for what you’re eating now.
Enjoying the food and your body. Having fun with the people around you.
In Diets Don’t Work programs, our work together:
Clears the mental stress of constantly worrying about what you should or shouldn’t eat.
Cultivates your intuition so you know what your next right food choice should be.
Invites you into deeper conversation with your negative self-talk, so you can rewrite your health story.
Provides you with the tools you need to step into diet recovery and thrive.

Clients reported these positive changes when they began
Diets Don’t Work Coaching:
“I can start and stop eating intuitively and I don't need to tell myself when to stop.”
“I really love my body and the way it takes care of me. I respect how hard it works for me.”
“I'm so busy with life I have times that I forget to eat.”
“I get bored with pizza after the first couple of slices.”
“When someone tells me how good I look, I believe them.”
Hi, I’m Shana Rose and I'm a scale-weighing, calorie counting, intermittent fasting, binge restrictor at heart.
I also have a deep understanding that feeling awful about food and your body, just ain't no fun!
The frustration of successfully eating "healthy" for a period of time, always followed by a period of "falling off the wagon" and being chin deep in brownie batter, not having a clue of what happened, is familiar to me.
After decades of binging and restricting I finally had ENOUGH!
I made a decision that I was going to enjoy food, my body, and chocolate cake all at the same time.
When I started to peel the layers off the old diet brain, I noticed thoughts and patterns that were leaving me frustrated, obsessed, and desperate.
After years of trying to "fix" this issue on my own with therapy, 12 Steps, and countless failed attempts at Intuitive Eating I realized that I needed a change in perspective.
I just couldn't do it on my own, with the old ideas I was clinging to.
It all changed for me when I stopped thinking like a dieter! By the way, this shift is much deeper than simply "not dieting".
I know I'm onto something here, and I'd love to help you learn more about this profound perspective shift that might make the final difference in your relationship with food.
Are you ready to feel free of the constant worry and pressure of dieting?
Are you ready to feel more joyful and alive?
Are you ready to release yourself from the binge/restrict cycle?
Are you ready to thrive?
Book a free 30 minute consultation to get started.
To read more about my coaching programs, click here.